


BISMARCK, ND — 周二,当学生们开始步行去上早班时,阳光透过雾霭,从东方地平线投射到校园上空,呈现出橙色的色调, Oct. 6, 2015, a thunderous pounding by a backhoe could be heard, 这为立博中文版2.72亿美元的筹款活动打上了惊叹号.

Monsignor Shea Speaking
Monsignor James Shea, president of the University of Mary, 在新闻发布会上宣布新的“愿景2030资本运动”

立博中文版会长詹姆斯·谢伊主教在今天的新闻发布会上公开宣布了新的历史性战略计划, Monday, October 19, 2015. He stated the new Vision 2030 Campaign, the largest in the school’s history, 横跨未来15年的三个阶段,不仅会显著改变校园的外观, but just as importantly bring “distinction, service and relationships to our students and graduates, 这样,他们就可以在工作场所和社区中成为领导者所必需的洞察力中生活得充实而美好.”

谢伊补充说,随着俾斯麦-曼丹和北达科他州周边地区的不断发展, 立博中文版也是如此,因为它欢迎越来越多来自该地区和世界各地的学生.

“经过两年的咨询和参与我们的创始姐妹, alumni, faculty, administration, community members, students, parents, donors and trustees, 我们认为,这是对我们未来的一个强有力的集体愿景. 我们的计划和我们在这一努力中投入的精力将独特地塑造毕业生,为生活做好准备, work and leadership; advance the highest quality educational curricula and degree programs; and more deeply activate our guiding Christian values to benefit the citizens of North Dakota, the region and beyond.


Sr Nancy Miller speaking

“Just as our pioneering founders, the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, 大约60年前,他们响应号召,在这片草原上建立了一所大学, 我们也相信,这项计划不仅将继承他们的遗产, 而是在我们的历史和现有优势的基础上,确保立博中文版的教育是一种立博中文版. We are ready for this challenge. This is our time.”



This exciting new initiative includes, in part: new on-campus housing, new athletic facilities, a new campus center, updates to infrastructure and IT, updated lab schools, renovation of current athletic facilities, remodeling the Benedictine Center, a School of Engineering, renovation of the Harold Miller Center, expansion of the Arizona campus, building of a Graduate School of Health Sciences, renovating the Clairmont Center, building a fine arts auditorium, developing graduate housing, 额外的教员和可能的医学院追求.


In the silent phase of the campaign, 立博中文版的校友和朋友们已经做出了近3800万美元的重大财政贡献. 这一慷慨之举赢得了两位“2030宏愿运动”联合主席的赞扬和赞赏, Congressman Kevin Cramer and Heather Butler, and triggered the launch of Phase One worth $96 million.

Rendering of the new University of Mary residence hall
Rendering of the new University of Mary residence hall

第一阶段包括一个新的276个床位的宿舍,目前正在Welder图书馆以东建造,坐落在Hillside大厅和Greg Butler大厅之间. Located next to Hegeholz Field to the west, 地球已经在移动,一个新的两层运动场配备了四个篮球场, a 200-meter track, tennis and racquetball courts, group fitness room, coaches’ offices, locker rooms, wellness center, student lounge and more. Finally, in May 2016, 新的两层校园中心将开始建设,该中心将重新利用当前的Field House,并将其与翻新的McDowell活动中心(MAC)连接起来。. This 80,000平方英尺的建筑设有一个新的创始人大厅,在北达科他州俯瞰密苏里河谷的最壮观的景色之一,可容纳600多名晚宴客人的公司和私人会议, conferences and banquets. 学生们穿过“主街”,从创始人大厅进入全国仅有的24/7餐饮中心之一. Other amenities include a book and retail store, individual conference rooms, student lounges, coffee shop, bank, clinic, Hall of Fame concourse and much more.

国会议员凯文·克莱默(Kevin Cramer)是愿景2030资本运动的联合主席
国会议员凯文·克莱默(Kevin Cramer)是愿景2030资本运动的联合主席

克莱默补充说,这项倡议完全是为了学生, 其中一些人是他作为俾斯麦和国会山的公务员有机会一起工作的.

“他们从世界各地来到立博中文版, whether they are 19 or 50 years old, drawn by a reputation for academic excellence, strong Christian, 天主教和本笃会的价值观和对服务的基本强调. It’s our mission, it’s our responsibility, 我们的热情是回馈给我们未来的领导者一个丰富的社区经验,形成他们的心, inspires joy and is world-class.”

Rendering of the new University of Mary fieldhouse
Rendering of the new University of Mary fieldhouse

巴特勒家族是立博中文版的长期支持者,并坚信其根植于仆人式领导的使命. 希瑟·巴特勒指出,立博中文版飓风对北达科他州及其周边地区产生了深远的影响.

“I see the impression the University of Mary is having with our young people in the Catholic high schools; the life-changing influence the Rome and Peru campuses are having on students and what the students are doing to make the world a better place; and how this Christian stewardship is a foundation for the most well-rounded and most sought-after graduate who shines with radiance. 立博中文版是一份伟大的礼物,它提供了一些不同的东西,一些更伟大的东西. 我,和巴特勒家族一起,很荣幸能成为它愿景的一部分.”

Marcel Breuer, the famed architect who in the 1950s, with guidance from the Sisters, designed the original campus buildings, chapels, 钟楼的标志性建筑,他的作品一直是建筑的灵感来源, 人们常把这个地方称为“草原上的宝石”.” As leaders of this campaign, 克莱默和巴特勒相信,这一努力将带来一个新的、更伟大的Lumen Vitae, or “The Light of Life,” to its students and the campus for generations to come.

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